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How to implement remote video system?


Remote video conferencing system refers to two or more individuals or groups in different places, through transmission lines and multimedia equipment, the sound, image and document data transmission to each other, to achieve instant and interactive communication, to complete the purpose of the conference system equipment. The system is a typical image communication. At the sending end of the communication, the image and sound signal is transformed into a digital signal, and then it is reproduced as visual and auditory information at the receiving end. Compared with the telephone conference, it has the characteristics of strong intuitiveness and large amount of information. The conference TV system can not only hear the sound, but also see the participants of the conference, face the discussion issues together, study the drawings and objects, which is no different from the real conference, so that every participant has a sense of being there.

Remote Video System Solutions:

1. Product list:

(1) Sunflower client

(2) Sunflower control end

2. Scheme deployment:

Remote project meetings can now be achieved with Sunflower in just 2 easy steps.

1, one-click installation of sunflower

Before the meeting, install the Sunflower client on the computers of all employees outside and in the conference room. Click to download

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